2012 m. spalio 26 d., penktadienis

Top 5 Awesome 90's Games Worth Playing

This week's special is our first actual top chart, specially dedicated for my (Authors) love for the awesome classic non-polygonal games from 90's.
I'm sure the new generation of games/gamers are really born up in the modern ages where you will barely see any new games without polygons or with bits visible on screen. The new generation of games actually cannot be compared - Mostly are shooters now.
I was a quite a fan too, it's because it's natural, but i took a quick look at my old consoles, oh yeah.
Veterans should really feel nostalgia. The awesome games for the old consoles, either Sega or Nintendo they're all awesome, and here's why -
They're colorful, not over-colored/pixel shaded/bloomish/photorealistic 64-bit polygon shaded models, they're just pixels which makes them so simple.
They have a point.
They are fun. Not just pointless shooting but actual arcade gameplay.
So there would be tons upon of trillions to point why they are better to us, ol' school gamers, but right, i'm not bearing at anyone of the kids who like playing shooters. Let em' do it, it's because it's natural as i've said.
So here's the absolutely awesomely kick-ass list of super fun games from 90's. And not putting in new ages games. So, trolls, "Where's COD?", this is not a list for you, so don't even think about commenting random shit.
Oh, wait a sec - This is a seperate 90's game post. It's not the one and only, in this one we're reviewing sidescrollers, 8-Bit and 32-Bit games, not the "3D" games (007 GoldenEye In Example) so if you're looking for the post where we countdown a bit' better games, just lurky wait a lil' time until i write down! I've got yet only two hands.

Number five is the 720 degrees. Yup, some hardcore skaters may have already heard this game.
I've played it myself, the Super Nintendo version and i found it quite fun, but it lacks a lot of perspective, mainly it's just because it's really a pointless game.

The AirDriver! Possibly a never-heard of game, but i found it and i put it in this list. Yes, exactly, here, at fourth place. But why? Mechanics are great, gameplay is great, graphics are great, what does it lack? *Deep breath* It's another pointless game. There are missions but only the thing you do is fly around and shoot at jets. It's like the modern shooters. But yeah, because of the three positive pluses it's here.

Time for number three - The Bomberman II!
Most of us may have already played the flash versions of Bomberman. They're all really nice both in graphics/gameplay, but have any played the origins? Bomberman II is a true classic, it's a really fun game and it differs a lot. It's like a kickstarter to arcade games if not even sure.

Y'all should agree - Sonic is worth the top place. But not the first place! I've got a lil' present for the first one, by then, here's the Hedgehog and it's all time enemy Robotnik. Yup, the Sega Genesis driven game, and i love it so much! It's really fun speedin' right roun' the levels and taking up coins.

Number one - The Lion King! Aww, so cutie pie-ish
cute! D'aww, i was playing this game for hours with my feller's and it was really fun. This game is definitely worth the first place. It was released for Sega Genesis. SEGA, you beat this round i guess!

That's pretty much for this time folks!
A lil' credit for the pictures goes to:

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