2012 m. lapkričio 5 d., pirmadienis

How to make a quick milkshake (2 Ways)

Have no time or in a hurry? Or just like me with an empty fridge or a lack of products to make a perfect milkshake? (Might be a random moment but i do wan't milkshake sometimes)
I'll show you how to make a little "different" milkshake in two ways, either diet or one if you are seriously packed up ready and wan't to make one with money limit.

The Ice Creamy Milkshake

• Ice cream, an ice cream sandwich is the best choice if you have one!
• Get milk, or if you already do just carry it on
• Sugar (optional)

Okay, it's really simple. All you have to do is drop all the ice cream (Without a package!) into a mixer glass, pour in some milk and add some sugar if you'd like, mix it all and you're done!
For the nice look you can add some chocolate or cookies in the milkshake, or maybe add some syrup.

The Diet "Milkshake"

• Banana
• Sugar (Again, it's optional, but it will make the drink sweet)
• Milk

Wrap the banana, and put the "soft" eatable parts of it into the mixer cage, pour in some milk and add sugar, mix it all and you're ready.

Enjoy the drink!

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