2012 m. lapkričio 7 d., trečiadienis

Mobile users - Welcome 404

Yikes! We've forgot to put the Monday stuff! I'll put that up later.
Now about mobile, remember the old style? Wasn't it cool? Well it wasn't, now it's even more cooler.
So welcoming for all who own a smartphone.
In short term we are now mobile friendly, if you wan't to keep on news without a computer just view the site from your phone, now even easier.
 The awesome hub for mobile can be seen on mobile right in your computer screen. Awesome shit.

And the 404, a joke right? Not at all, www.theawesomehub.blogspot.com/404 is now noob friendly.

2012 m. lapkričio 5 d., pirmadienis

How to make a quick milkshake (2 Ways)

Have no time or in a hurry? Or just like me with an empty fridge or a lack of products to make a perfect milkshake? (Might be a random moment but i do wan't milkshake sometimes)
I'll show you how to make a little "different" milkshake in two ways, either diet or one if you are seriously packed up ready and wan't to make one with money limit.

The Ice Creamy Milkshake

• Ice cream, an ice cream sandwich is the best choice if you have one!
• Get milk, or if you already do just carry it on
• Sugar (optional)

Okay, it's really simple. All you have to do is drop all the ice cream (Without a package!) into a mixer glass, pour in some milk and add some sugar if you'd like, mix it all and you're done!
For the nice look you can add some chocolate or cookies in the milkshake, or maybe add some syrup.

The Diet "Milkshake"

• Banana
• Sugar (Again, it's optional, but it will make the drink sweet)
• Milk

Wrap the banana, and put the "soft" eatable parts of it into the mixer cage, pour in some milk and add sugar, mix it all and you're ready.

Enjoy the drink!

2012 m. lapkričio 3 d., šeštadienis

DIY Photography about & some tricks.

Ever since i was a child i've never been interested in photography any further than my nose, my family kept two cameras remaining one right now.
For the past month i've bought a new smartphone, which came along with 5 megapixel camera, i was seriously entertained by it's functions.
I was taking snaps, photographing, photographing and photographing and been mad-ass with focusing function like it was a big rock that i was stuck in when making beauty shots.
I was visiting a countryside for a week, and found a real passion for photographing small things like flowers, animals, ants, and i've found my camera a true third eye for me, i kept trying and got the focusing a close friend of mine, making the snaps look like they're taken with a 1000$ camera.
Here's a photo -
The interesting part is - I've took this photo with my phone.
And i have to say it's pretty cool! I've also found some passion on making video's, which was a great leap foward. Since i'm bare hands and i'm not onto buying tripod or other stuff to upgrade camera for a huge price, but there's always an alternative.
Yup, DIY - Do It Yourself, and here's some tips that learnt me to take photoing like i never did before.
1. "Tripod" or how to keep your camera stable (less shaky)
Kay', this seems to be pretty simple at the moment. As you may already see from a picture it's a foot-held camera stabilizer/tripod. Well it's not pretty much tripod-look like but the function remains the same.
The simplier way to do it is just to use one string, ant not put it round' your feet, just zip it on any object that you can step on.

2. Softbox from a cereal box
The cereal box soft boxProffesional photographers use softboxes to make the pictures look actually smooth, or just hot i say.
Using a cardboard or cereal box, and following the instruction on the right you can make some damn pretty pictures, without spending bucks.

 3. Paper lens hood
The paper lens hood You don't like too much sun shades in your photos so do i, let's fix this problem using a paper, just fold it round and keep it on your camera lens, just like in the picture and you may get some better results.
I kinda like this one because it's so simple.

4. Flash diffuser
DIY flash diffuser

Camera shops will happily charge you for the little bits of plastic that attach to the front of your flash and soften the light a little. Others will tell you that you can't attach a diffuser to a built-in flash. In fact you can.
Admittedly you'll look slightly odd with your camera covered in sellotape and bits of plastic, but who cares what's going on behind the camera, as long as the shot is great?

5. Macro glass
There's no need for a macro lens when you have a magnifying glass, simply as put it in front of your objective and take a close shot, the photos will look stunning and detailed.

That's pretty much! I picked the list of tricks only that would be that interesting, there may be hundreds of more tricks just don't be lazy and try to do some stuff yourself, you may find even more great tricks!

2012 m. spalio 26 d., penktadienis

QR Code for all the interests.

Sup folks, ever had a need of our blog code? Or maybe just wan't to help us become popular?
Well, here's a solution -

You can print this code and use anywhere for any purposes. It just does profit for us anyway.
Why we need you to use it?
Well, it's pretty simple - We want our blog to become popular so we can get motivated posting stuff.
So yup! Pretty much talkin' here fellers, see you next time.

Top 5 Awesome 90's Games Worth Playing

This week's special is our first actual top chart, specially dedicated for my (Authors) love for the awesome classic non-polygonal games from 90's.
I'm sure the new generation of games/gamers are really born up in the modern ages where you will barely see any new games without polygons or with bits visible on screen. The new generation of games actually cannot be compared - Mostly are shooters now.
I was a quite a fan too, it's because it's natural, but i took a quick look at my old consoles, oh yeah.
Veterans should really feel nostalgia. The awesome games for the old consoles, either Sega or Nintendo they're all awesome, and here's why -
They're colorful, not over-colored/pixel shaded/bloomish/photorealistic 64-bit polygon shaded models, they're just pixels which makes them so simple.
They have a point.
They are fun. Not just pointless shooting but actual arcade gameplay.
So there would be tons upon of trillions to point why they are better to us, ol' school gamers, but right, i'm not bearing at anyone of the kids who like playing shooters. Let em' do it, it's because it's natural as i've said.
So here's the absolutely awesomely kick-ass list of super fun games from 90's. And not putting in new ages games. So, trolls, "Where's COD?", this is not a list for you, so don't even think about commenting random shit.
Oh, wait a sec - This is a seperate 90's game post. It's not the one and only, in this one we're reviewing sidescrollers, 8-Bit and 32-Bit games, not the "3D" games (007 GoldenEye In Example) so if you're looking for the post where we countdown a bit' better games, just lurky wait a lil' time until i write down! I've got yet only two hands.

Number five is the 720 degrees. Yup, some hardcore skaters may have already heard this game.
I've played it myself, the Super Nintendo version and i found it quite fun, but it lacks a lot of perspective, mainly it's just because it's really a pointless game.

The AirDriver! Possibly a never-heard of game, but i found it and i put it in this list. Yes, exactly, here, at fourth place. But why? Mechanics are great, gameplay is great, graphics are great, what does it lack? *Deep breath* It's another pointless game. There are missions but only the thing you do is fly around and shoot at jets. It's like the modern shooters. But yeah, because of the three positive pluses it's here.

Time for number three - The Bomberman II!
Most of us may have already played the flash versions of Bomberman. They're all really nice both in graphics/gameplay, but have any played the origins? Bomberman II is a true classic, it's a really fun game and it differs a lot. It's like a kickstarter to arcade games if not even sure.

Y'all should agree - Sonic is worth the top place. But not the first place! I've got a lil' present for the first one, by then, here's the Hedgehog and it's all time enemy Robotnik. Yup, the Sega Genesis driven game, and i love it so much! It's really fun speedin' right roun' the levels and taking up coins.

Number one - The Lion King! Aww, so cutie pie-ish
cute! D'aww, i was playing this game for hours with my feller's and it was really fun. This game is definitely worth the first place. It was released for Sega Genesis. SEGA, you beat this round i guess!

That's pretty much for this time folks!
A lil' credit for the pictures goes to: